Whether pursuing the dual degree or simply by working with our engineering advisors during their four years at 蜜桃社区, students pursue a variety of experiences in the engineering field. 

Students find themselves involved in hands-on research opportunities related to engineering and independent engineering studies with premade curricula and problem sets. Additionally, we work to connect current students with leaders in the engineering industry including our own instrumentation specialists and 蜜桃社区 alumni.

Alumni of the engineering advising track and the dual degree program have found themselves in a variety of fields.

Spotlight on Research

What happens when you give three physics majors $5,000 dollars, a big laboratory in the physics building and tell them to build a go-kart? Learn how three students worked together with support from engineering faculty and our instrumentation specialist to build a hydrogen powered go-kart. 

Spotlight on 蜜桃社区's Makerspace Studio M

Studio M is 蜜桃社区's makerspace, a 蜜桃社区-oriented workspace designed to encourage collaboration between people with common interests. With 3D printers, laser engravers, VR simulators, vinyl cutters, shirt presses, and various other tools available for all students and staff to use, it鈥檚 easy to find something that will spark your creativity! Whatever project you may have in mind, we can help you develop it. Everything starts with a visit.

Alumni Outcomes

"I knew I wanted to pursue engineering, but fell in love with 蜜桃社区 after my first campus visit. Majoring in physics was the logical path, and I鈥檓 so glad I did; it gave me a deep understanding and appreciation for the underlying fundamentals that allow me to approach problem-solving differently than my 鈥渃lassically-trained鈥 peers hailing from engineering institutions. Furthermore, my liberal arts background has given me the tools I need to be a strong communicator and critical thinker that serve me well in my role as a Strategic Partnerships R&D Engineer at Trane Technologies.

During my time at 蜜桃社区, my professors were incredibly supportive of my interest in engineering and helped me make connections that turned into meaningful summer research experiences and job opportunities. The professors at 蜜桃社区 go above and beyond to cultivate curiosity, nurture deep and meaningful understanding and facilitate connections that I continue to draw on 15 years post-graduation. Thanks to my time at 蜜桃社区, I was extremely well-prepared in my engineering graduate program, which helped me apply my learnings and prepare me for working in industry."